Twin Cities Veterinary Clinic

47303 Healing Court
Soldotna, AK 99669


Pet Health Articles


Clostridium difficile Becoming more Common in North America

What Is Clostridium difficile?Some strains contain genes that allow them to produce toxins. It is the toxins, not the bacteria themselves, that make a person o ...

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Dental Home Care for Dogs and Cats: You are being redirected to updated information on this topic

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Ticks Are Arthropod Parasites for Mammals

Ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. Ticks like motion, warm temperatures from body heat, and the carbon dioxide exhaled by mammals, ...

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How to Lead a Cat to Water AND Make Him Drink it

As a general rule, cats and water don't get along, but did you know that many cats will avoid getting water in them as well as on them? Sometimes, getting wate ...

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Is there a Health Risk with Urban Chickens?

Bigstock Chickens Urban chickens continue to be in the news, with debate about instituting (or enforcing) bylaws banning or restricting the raising of chicke ...

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Alcohol Poisoning

Dogs and cats can get more than just drunk when they drink ethanol, isopropanol, or methanol -- they can get a trip to the emergency room. Pets can die from ing ...

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